Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I Don't Know Where I'm Going ... But I'm Going!

.... are you coming with me?

I'm trying this "social media" thing.  As you can see by the side bar I somehow managed to figure out how to add this "widget" ... I am now a "twitter"er. 

My daughter rolls her eyes. 

Just what the world needs.  A 50 year old that Facebooks AND Twitters.  If the kids could fake my signature I'm sure they would 'self commit' me to the furthest institution.

But in this world of BUSYBUSYBUSY it's become the way to communicate a bit of what your life is like to people that you just can't seem to find the TIMETIMETIME to see in person.

It's a ridiculous excuse and to all I should be calling, visiting, drinking with ... I apologize.  Trust me, I would much rather be having a coffee with you at your kitchen table or a glass of wine sitting beside you on a bar stool than I would by sending my menopausal sentiments across the internet.

I like to see the crinkles in the sides of your eyes when you laugh.  I love to hear your laugh... and you can't really get the whole idea of the drama in my story if you don't get to see me waving my hands around while I tell it!

I also just got an iphone.  Not that I'm a stranger to cell phones, but this is a bit different to operate and as much as I can be a slow learner with this technology, there's stuff I find amazing about it.  There is some woman named Suri living inside it and she apparently knows even more than I do. 

And I know quite a lot :)

For instance, Suri can find you a hooker....although she admits that they are not nearby. 

Good to know Suri.

As you get to know me you will learn, even if you're not paying close attention, that:

- I am a Powerlifter.  That deserves a capital P.

 It's an awesome sport and it makes me SuperPumpedUpSparkly Awesome.  (I like using the word 'sparkly'.  I just do. Don't read into it:) )

- I choose to live a healthy lifestyle that includes eating clean (with the occasional perogie party and emotional almond butter inhaling), yoga, meditation and tire beating: 

(This is not me.  This is my friend Jeff King who runs Garrrrrage Gym in Hamilton.  He taught me to beat a tire.  I am forever grateful for this RAGE outlet, LOL.  I am not as hairy as Jeff - just so you know!)

- I love to sing and I can be pretty good most times.  Even if you haven't had a drink or two! My lifetime dream is to sing with Garth Brooks and Reba McEntire.  Maybe if I marry a corn farmer in Oklahoma we will all end up in the same old age home together and then the magic will happen.  I've never been to Oklahoma.  Don't know how I'll find a farmer from there....

- I used to be a BIG GIRL (see a few posts below) ... and now I'm not ... but I always wrestle with that vision in my head.  I have 'body issues' as my daughter would say.

- I am passionate about trying to make my community, my city and actually my world - our world - a bit better place.  It's my heart and my gut.  I get a bit crazy-coo-coo-wild-eyed enthusiastic about it. 

- I have a political crush on Cory Booker :)

I intend to fill up this space with random ramblings about all of these things. 

And  now.... I need to figure out how to use the video on the phone...and post these random ramblings in person!

Come on... you knew it was coming!

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